Thursday, August 1, 2013

Be A Singular Sensation, the TV Show! Interview with Supervisor Caddigan and Mrs. Kisha Wilson-Sogonro

"Be a Singular Sensation" was pleased to have Potomac District Supervisor Maureen Caddigan, and Boys and Girl's Club Board Member, Mrs. Kisha Wilson-Sogonro, interview with our show! These two ladies have done remarkable philanthropic work in the community, and are both proud Prince William County Region Boys and Girls Club Board Members!

When asked, "What is your super power?" Supervisor Caddigan responded, "I believe I am a team player, but also have the courage of my convictions. I work with my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors to make improvements in our county. A lot has been accomplished in my District over the years by working together-Team Work is key!"

Supervisor Caddigan credits Dominican Nun, Sister Mary Jordan Hoover, as her role model. "Sister Mary Jordan is the Principal at John Paul The Great Catholic High School. She is a person of strong faith and I have always admired her. Sister is an outstanding administrator, an excellent negotiator and has a great love for education. Sister has set an example of excellence for all students at John Paul the Great. She is accessible, very caring, kind, and spiritual. I would like to emulate her, but have a long way to go!" says Caddigan.

Reader Q & A: What is your Super Power?  Who is your role model?

Join us next time, to learn about future voting precinct changes, and become an Iinformed voter, as we interview Mr. Keith Scarborough, Chair to the Prince William County Board of Elections.  Don't forget, you can also catch us on Comcast Community Channel 2 at 6:30pm, Monday-Friday!

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