Friday, September 6, 2013

Be A Singular Sensation, the TV Show! Interview with Chairman to the Prince William County Electoral Board, Mr. Keith Scarborough!

“Be A Singular Sensation” takes pride in having guests on our show, who can help us to keep the community informed with information they need to succeed!  We were honored to have Mr. Keith Scarborough, Chairman to the Prince William County Electoral Board, join us to share important information regarding the County's Polling Precincts,  Voter Registration options and training information for groups; as well as how you can serve your community, by working the polls on Election Day!
Singular Sensation Signature:
When asked what his favorite quote was, Mr. Scarborough replied with two, “Our country is governed not by the people, but the people who participate.” ~Thomas Jefferson
“Democracy is not a spectator sport.” ~unknown

Learn who your candidates are, for the November 5th election:

PWC County wide list of candidates:
Virginia State Board of Elections:
After the tragic series of events that took place near Selma Alabama (and other locations during the struggle for Civil Rights), in particular-“Bloody Sunday,” where many peaceful demonstrators were tear gassed and trampled by police on horseback; our 36th President Lyndon Baines  Johnson called on Congress to move forward with drafting voting rights legislation that would afford all people,  regardless of race, fair opportunities to exercise their right to vote!  This bill became known as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and is best detailed in his historical speech, “The American Promise,” which can be found here:

Be an informed and educated voter.  Be knowledgeable of your rights, and exercise them on Election Day! 

Reader Q&A:
1.  If you are an organization, helping people register to vote, please let us know your experience with the new training program, and keep us posted on your progress with registering voters.
2.  What are your thoughts on the change in Polling Precincts?  Remember, there will be more changes next year.  Do you think this will ease lines at the polls?
3.  Check in with us on Election Day, let us know how your experience was!

We'd like to thank our sponsor for this episode, the Virginia Leadership Institute, who is hosting a "Destined to Lead" workshop at the McCoart Building on September 23rd at 7:30pm.

Be sure to check back for our upcoming show, featuring the Ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.!

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