Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gratitude for Dr. Sampson Davis!

Dr. Davis addressing the crowd
Many years ago, I had the pleasure of teaching a “Repeat/Remedial” English class.  I recall receiving my schedule of classes that school year, and figured the title of the class set a negative tone for those whose education was in my hands.  However, I was determined that my students were going to learn and rise above the class title and many other labels society may place on them as they navigated their own paths in life.

The Pact and Living and Dying in Brick City:
An E.R. Doctor Returns Home
The lessons that stuck with my group of students the most were those involving The Pact, by doctors: Davis, Jenkins and Hunt.  This moving story told the tale of three teens, who grew up surrounded by the temptations of the Newark New Jersey streets, but were determined to become successful adults, thus the formed a pact to become doctors.  Despite the odds, each of them supported one another through their struggles, and became doctors!

Dr. Davis reading his "Thank You" card.
This story moved my students, so much, that they wrote letters to the doctors thanking them for sharing their story.  Today, I was able to catch up with Dr. Sampson Davis and thank him personally for sharing his motivating story, at a book signing for his latest book, Living and Dying in Brick City: An E.R. Doctor Returns Home, which explores issues involving the inner-city health care crisis from the point of view of a doctor in the ER, serving the community in which he was raised.  
It was a pleasure to finally meet one of the authors who motivated my former students.  Dr. Davis is proof that no matter where you come from, you can achieve anything you set your mind to achieve!  Your past does not dictate your future!

I strongly encourage anyone reading this, to add The Pact, to your child’s summer reading list (for high school students).  In addition, I encourage all adults to read his newest “baby,” we might learn something in this book that will save our lives!

To learn more about Dr. Sampson Davis, please visit his site here
To learn more about the Three Doctors, please visit here:

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